- 19. Dec, 2021
All talks can now be performed as Zoom or as youtube sessions if required as well as live talks..
Please see the new ZOOM TALKS page for details
New book Snippets from History Vol 8 now available see below
Bobs latest book
If you would like to join the mailing list and be kept up to date or know about local, walks, talks and pub talks send an email to b.massey@gmx.com
neville denham
Hi Bob,
Could you give a talk to Edwalton Probus Club on the 28th March , We meet at Welbeck Hall, West Bridgeford and have lunch at about 12 noon
Marie. Gibson
Hi Bob I am looking for speakers for speakers for Darley Abbey Historical Group in 2023. We have available dates April 21st, June 16th, July 21st, October 20th and. November 17th.
Maureen Newton
Dear Bob, I am looking for a speaker for next year 2023 for Hucknall & District U3A History Group. The dates available are February 15th and May 17th. We meet at Central Methodist Church, 2 - 4pm
bob massey
Maureen be pleased to come email me on b.massey@gmx.com to sort out details
Maya Sauer
Mariela Nicolas